Big changes!

Where have we been for seven months? At the hardware store, mostly!

Just after our big craft show debut in December, 2023, we had a massive home repair project that involved an HOA, a neighbor, and three insurance companies. We lived without hot water for eight weeks. In winter!

This simple water heater made me cry with happiness.

Then, we decided to sell our house and buy one with more square footage, more gardening space, no stairs, and two detached garage workshops. The new house is… quirky.

Our amazing finished basement!

I thought this outhouse near the veggie garden was a toolshed. When I opened it, the realtor heard me scream from inside the house.

I immediately had to make repairs to the bigger workshop, because we can only afford this new place by renting it out. Someday, when my glass business has grown enough that we no longer need the rental income, I’ll be able to move into this larger shop and have a huge space for teaching classes!

My someday studio!

It’s been seven months since I’ve touched a piece of glass, and we just started learning what repairs are needed for my new workspace. It’s been frustrating to not be able to work on glass for so long! I had to pull out of the Seattle PrideFest and skip all of the spring and summer art shows and farmers markets.

However, I am beyond excited to get this new space repaired, cleaned up, and personalized for my glass business!

My for-now studio!

Unfortunately, the workshop isn’t ready to move into, yet. When we were searching for the source of its musty odor, I pushed up on the hatch to the attic. Rat poop rained down on me!

Attic cleanup and insulation professionals are coming to give us quotes next week. In the meantime, I’ll be moving everything out of the shop so that we can remove the walls and ceiling, if necessary, and sanitize everything else. I guess it’s good that I never got a chance to unpack?

As soon as I can return to work, I’ll be applying to the 2024 UCU Winter Show. The dog days of summer means it’s time to make Christmas ornaments!


We did it!