We did it!

The UCU Winter Show was an incredible experience. Over 13,000 people saw my glass art! I spoke to more people in those three days than I had in the previous three years of the pandemic. I came away filled with encouragement and new ideas for next year. Now I’ll be able to put “glass artist” as my occupation on my tax return!

I didn’t realize that, for me, the weekend-long show would last for two weeks. This morning, I took out of the kiln the final order placed at the show that I needed to finish in time for Christmas. I still have two stained glass flags to complete for customers, but those can wait until next week. That gives me five days to make and ship all of my gifts for my own family!

To make the past two weeks extra exciting, I had two(!) flat tires, and we discovered that my neighbor had a leaking hot water pipe that flooded the cavity between the halves of our duplex. At this moment, a crew of four is tearing out the flooring of my laundry room and the drywall in my laundry room and garage. They have to move the hot water tank and possibly the furnace to get to all of the damage, so we might have a chilly few days.

Here is our booth as we were setting up and a panorama of the exhibition hall.

Not bad for first-timers!

We’re that bright spot under the stairs.


Big changes!


UCU’s Winter Show